Eliminate guesswork Know your body
Transform your health
Olesya Malayeri – naturopathic nutritionist Dip CNM, ANP
Personalised nutrition based on naturopathic principles and your unique biochemistry.
Olesya Malayeri
Naturopathic nutritionist (Dip CNM 3 years, ANP)
Creating lasting health transformations
Who I am
Hello, my name is Olesya and I am a qualified naturopathic nutritionist specialising in personalised nutrition and nutrigenomics. My 3 year training in naturopathic nutrition has been further enhanced with my extensive training in nutigenomics, which is a new and exciting science in the field of personalised nutrition.
Using my expertise, I help you create lasting health transformations based on your unique biochemistry, while using naturopathic principles of healing and looking at all aspects of your lifestyle. Us humans are complex creatures and our approach to health should also be multidisciplinary.
There is no diet that suits everyone equally as we are all genetically and biologically different and it is my job to help you uncover what makes you thrive. I use a range of functional and genetic testing as well as an in-depth nutrition and lifestyle questionnaire to tailor make your plan to reach your specific health goals.
I support a whole range of health conditions and my special interests are hormone & metabolic health, fertility, pregnancy nutrition and body transformation.
We live in a world where there are endless conflicting opinions on what makes the perfect diet. I believe the only way to know what works for you is to understand your own biochemical and genetic make up and work to support it intelligently. I am convinced this is the key to vibrant health and what makes this multifunctional approach work for most of my clients.
How I work
My goal is to help my clients identify biochemical and nutritional imbalances, which compromise their wellbeing. These, often subtle, malfunctions in biochemical or digestive processes can lead to much bigger health issues such as weight gain, fertility problems, hormone disorders and more.

A comprehensive assessment, which looks at the entire person, enhanced by functional testing can unravel the root cause of your health issues. These can then be addressed with specific nutrition and lifestyle changes. Our work together involves 3 main steps.
How I can help
Step 1
One to one
1 hour virtual consultation with me via Skype or Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. This includes a full assessment of your diet and lifestyle.
Step 2
Functional test – know yourself from the inside out
Understanding how your body functions at the deepest level is the secret to lasting health transformation. The right functional test can provide incredible insight into your overall health and enable us to create a truly personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan, based on facts, not guesswork.

I have also found functional testing to be an especially effective tool in facilitating behavioural change. Seeing your results on paper makes it more real and is a great motivator to make healthier choices.

I work with clients in different countries and most of these tests can be shipped out to almost any location in Europe.

Step 3
Unique and tailored nutrition and lifestyle plan
Your unique plan is created based on the combined data of functional testing, nutritional consultation and my professional experience. This is a truly personalised approach and no two people's plan is ever going to be the same.

Choosing a monthly support package means you get continued support, which boosts compliance and ongoing progress.

Together, we work on the psychological aspect of your lifestyle change, learning different tricks of how to incorporate your new, healthier habits into your daily routine.

How I can help
Whether you are struggling with fertility or simply want to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy, I can help you support optimal fertility and healthy pregnancy through personalised nutrition, ensuring the best possible environment for you and the baby.

Many nutritional deficiencies can impair successful conception. We work together to optimise your nutritional status, hormone balance and make sure that your body is in tiptop shape to house your new little resident.

This package includes a functional test looking at your hormones and nutritional status as well as my consultation.
Hormone Imbalances
Balanced hormones are vital for our overall health. I support clients with various health conditions such as PCOS, thyroid disorders, perimenopause, menopause, metabolic problems, insulin resistance and many others. Hormones can respond well to nutritional therapy. You have probably heard that a lack of iodine can impair your thyroid hormone function. A simple addition of the right amount of iodine can completely reverse some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Whilst this is a much-simplified example, it just goes to show that there are many more nuanced nutritional approaches, which can be used to address hormones that are out of balance.

This package includes full hormone assessment as well as my consultation.
Body transformation
Do you ever wonder why diets often fail to produce long lasting results? This is because fad diets often focus on short term and unhealthy weight loss and do not address underlining metabolic imbalances, which make you more prone to gaining weight.

This package includes a DNA health and fitness test to help you tailor your diet to your own genetic makeup. This ensures your lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.
Genetic testing
I call this the best "life insurance" you can invest in. It involves taking a non-invasive genetic test to help you identify potential weaknesses in your physiology and certain health predispositions. This is a truly preventative approach. Your lifestyle and nutrition plan will be based on the results of this test as well as a one to one consultation.

I only work with companies that have extremely strict data protection and do not sell your genetic information to 3rd parties.
One to one
1 hour virtual consultation with me via Skype or Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. This includes a full assessment of your diet and lifestyle.
Functional test –
know yourself from
the inside out
Understanding how your body functions at the deepest level is the secret to lasting health transformation. The right functional test can provide incredible insight into your overall health and enable us to create a truly personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan, based on facts, not guesswork.

I have also found functional testing to be an especially effective tool in facilitating behavioural change. Seeing your results on paper makes it more real and is a great motivator to make healthier choices.

I work with clients in different countries and most of these tests can be shipped out to almost any location in Europe.
Unique and tailored nutrition and lifestyle plan
Your unique plan is created based on the combined data of functional testing, nutritional consultation and my professional experience. This is a truly personalised approach and no two people's plan is ever going to be the same.

Choosing a monthly support package means you get continued support, which boosts compliance and ongoing progress.

Together, we work on the psychological aspect of your lifestyle change, learning different tricks of how to incorporate your new, healthier habits into your daily routine.
Book your free 20 minute consultation
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